A classification of the document described, using the open documentType codelist.
Date that the document was last modified.
The date on which the document was first published. This is particularly important for legally important documents such as notices of a tender.
A short description of the document. Descriptions are recommended to not exceed 250 words. In the event the document is not accessible online, the description field can be used to describe arrangements for obtaining a copy of the document.
A classification of the document described, using the open documentType codelist.
The format of the document, using the open IANA Media Types codelist
(see the values in the 'Template' column), or using the offline/print
code if the described document is published offline.
For example, web pages have a format of text/html
A local, unique identifier for this document. This field is used to keep track of multiple revisions of a document through the compilation from release to record mechanism.
The language of the linked document using either two-letter ISO639-1, or extended BCP47 language tags. The use of lowercase two-letter codes from ISO639-1 is recommended unless there is a clear user need for distinguishing the language subtype.
The document title.
A direct link to the document or attachment. The server providing access to this document ought to be configured to correctly report the document mime type.
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